Community Safeguarding

My Action Plan

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Personal Plan - Safeguarding

1My Details
2My Action Plan
Today's Date(Required)

Section 1: Targeting

How could people attempt to steal from me or exploit me?
Tip: Criminals can target you in a number of different ways.
Why might a criminal suggest I let them into my home?
Tip: All kinds of things can be stolen from you including physical items and digital information.
Which of these people could potentially exploit me?
Tip: Criminals aren't always obvious and sometimes people you already know can choose to exploit you.
What should I do if I suspect I am being stolen from or exploited?
Tip: There are organisations that will help you.

Section 2: Hate Crime and Mate Crime

Can you recognise a hate crime? Which of these groups could become victim of a hate crime?
Tip: A hate crime is usually violence, assault or stealing targeted at a specific type of person based on their circumstances or beliefs.
Which of these examples should be reported?
Tip: A hate incident is slightly different to a hate crime. It involves discrimination but without a criminal element.
Which of these are examples of "mate" crimes?:
Tip: A mate crime is not the same as a hate crime, but can still affect you.