Think Safe - Stay Safe.
Safety information for people with learning disabilities

How to use this website
This service provides support to help you stay safe at home, online and out in the community.
There are 5 personal planning units, each containing a video for you to watch. Each video provides safety information from a professional you can trust.
With help from your carer or family member, use the forms on this site to complete your 5 personal action plans based on what you have learned from each video. We'll generate your unique action plan documents to help you keep track of your goals.
Who provides this service?
This website has been produced by the social enterprise, Thurrock Lifestyle Solutions CIC in collaboration with the Thurrock Community Safety Partnership and Essex Police.

High Risk Areas
Online Scams, Phishing and Viruses
Hate Crime, Mate Crime and Cukooing
Cold callers and loan sharks
Home security issues
Home Fire Danger
Online Grooming
Finding more information
For guidance on approved information for disabled and vulnerable adults, please contact Thurrock Lifestyle Solutions CIC.
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